Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Trav Dear's Funny dream

I used to like analyzing my dreams, cos after all, they tell you what's on your mind..

Trav dear had a funny dream last nite. Since I love to analyze dreams, here it goes:

We were both stranded in the mountains. We were hungry and I was starving, so he had to cut off his fingers for me to eat. He said he cut off just the top area, above the knuckles so that he still can grab things, so that they were still of use.

I couldn't stop laughing after hearing it..I said it was more likely that he starve before I do.. probably he had eaten both my legs even before I could finish off his fingers.

It was nice to know that he cares so much for me. I would do the same.. let him eat my legs since he is like 100 times greedier..

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