Saturday, July 12, 2008

Our trip to Science Centre.. like little kids

Trav DEar and I headed to Science Centre today.. we were wondring if Science Cnt and Discovery Centre were the same... but nope... they aren't even close to each other...

It felt like we were back in Primary Sch when we arrived. That nostalgic feeling of turning up at the gates all excited with the rest of the class..

I remember queuing up outside in my KC uniform waiting to get in when I was in p6. I recall a machine dispensing never ending gum the size of a squash ball...

And my friend buying it to eat.. and it changing color as u suck it.. Sumthin like a Charlie n the choc factory thing..
I never realised Science Centre was that big and had so many display rooms... An hr and a half wasnt even enough for us to explore all the halls.. We had a show at Onmi Theatre at 6pm and Science Cnt closed at 6pm..

The dino displays were nice... nette was scared.. but nvm... Trav dear will turn that into MILO DINO!!!

This is a bunny foetus..and a new born bunny.. I really love bunnies and I felt sad to see a disected, real bunny in the display next to this tube.. It was a cross sectioned bunny to show its internal organs and systems.. =(
Big eyes... any guesses what this is??

And this is my fav of all! Cute little chicks... guess I will lay off chicken for a while... At least baby fishes arent that cute.. and that's why I don't eat mutton..

It was fun looking at all the exhibits although some dont work, and some dont make sense to me..

And it was fun laffing at Trav dear who did sumthing stupid with the pots and the shaker thing..

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